Regularly Scheduled Activities

Council Meetings

Council meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Sunday of each month. We typically only meet every other month. 

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Wednesday Bible Study

Do you have an interest in discussing current events from a Christian perspective? If so, The Wednesday Bible Study  meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday from 7:00-8:00 each month via zoom.

This study group is using The Wired Word published by Communication Resources, Inc. The group's point is to have fun, share our perspectives, and broaden our understanding.  If you attend, we promise good laughs, great participants, and diverse opinions.  No thought is wrong, and all thoughts are welcome. All are welcome.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

The Thursday Morning Bible Study meets weekly from 10:00-11:30 in the Renewal classroom and EVERYONE is welcome to attend! We are diving into the Book of Exodus, using a United Church of Christ resource from Pilgrim Press called, “Listen Up!”. You need not attend every single week. Come when you’re able. And you don’t need to be a biblical scholar to attend. This is an interactive Bible Study facilitated by Pastor Gale, in which everyone is encouraged to share.


Ladies Supper Club

The Ladies Dinner Out meets on the 1st Monday at 6:30. The location will be different each month and will be listed here. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in coming,  there will be sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table or contact the church office. We do like to give the restaurant a count of about how many will be coming.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will meets the 4th Tuesday at 11:30 in Fellowship Hall. We eat, have great conversation, we eat, may play a game of some type, and we eat.

EVERYONE is welcome! Bring a dish to share and be ready to have some fun!

Needle Crafters

 The Needle Crafters group meets the 3rd Wednesday at 1:00 in the Youth Room. It is a time of fellowship and conversation while working on your craft project. So bring your item and come join us for the fun.