Our Staff

Carmel Christian Church is committed to treating all staff members fairly without discriminating on the basis of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, or marital status, encouraging ALL to apply for employment. Applicants and staff are evaluated equally, with equal compensation and benefits provided.


Senior Minister

Rev. Gale Stutz


Pastor Gale began serving as Senior Minister at Carmel Christian Church in September of 2021. Having served as Student Minister at CCC from 2004-2007, and having been ordained at CCC on June 10, 2007, Pastor Gale feels like she has come home.  She is a graduate of Ben Davis High School, the University of Evansville, and Christian Theological Seminary. She brings a playful spirit to our church. But, be careful—her joy can be contagious! 🙂   Gale and her husband, Tom, have four grown children, a daughter-in-love, and two young grandchildren.

Pastor Gale’s motto: “It’s okay to have fun in church!” She looks forward to meeting you. 



Office Administrator and Church Treasurer

Dave Berninger



Dave Berninger, and his wife, Pam, have been members of Carmel Christian Church since 2013. They have two grown children, both of whom are married. Dave began serving as CCC’s Treasurer in 2017 and came on board as our Church Administrator in September of 2021. A wiz with computers and all things technical, Dave approaches every task with a “can do” attitude and a smile. 




Music Director

David Meek




David Meek began serving as our Music Director in January of 2022, after serving as interim pianist/accompanist from June through September of 2021. He sang his first solo in church at the age of 5. He started playing musical instruments in elementary school, finally settling on the piano as his primary instrument in 5th grade. He majored in voice and minored in piano at Wesleyan University. He has been active in the Indianapolis music scene for many years and was the music director in several stage shows at a number of local theaters. David also served as Minister of Music in other churches prior to coming to Carmel Christian Church. He is thrilled to be back and looks forward to sharing his talents with our congregants and guests. 



Children’s Worship & Wonder


Nancy Schroeder-Crume

Nancy Crume


Nancy Schroeder-Crume serves as our Children’s Worship and Wonder leader. Nancy has two grown children and two grandchildren. She and her family have been members of CCC for over 30 years. Her love for children and her sense of wonder makes Nancy the ideal Worship and Wonder leader. Not surprisingly, Nancy also works one day a week at the Montessori preschool housed in our building. 




Church Council Moderator

Bob Foster




Bob Foster began serving as CCC’s Council Moderator in July of 2023.  He and his wife, Lisa, have been married and lived in Carmel for 31 years. They have a son, Richie, a daughter-in-law, Marissa, and grandson, Reed. Bob started attending CCC in 2004 and became a member in 2009. Bob worshipped in the Meditative Worship Service in his early years at CCC, along with Rev. Don Schutt, Diane Neely, and Judy Gest. It was in those worship services that he learned more about God and life, and his faith deepened. Bob was elected an Elder in 2021 and Council Moderator in 2023. As the chair of CCC’s Open and Affirming Team, Bob is committed to ensuring that CCC is a safe and welcoming place for ALL people. He is encouraged by the recent growth of the church.